
Climate safety isn't optional but the right strategy for Oil & Gas operations

Health & Safety

One Goal: Zero safety incidents!

To accomplish this, we made sure that our occupational and process safety commitment begins at the top of our organization and is reinforced at every level

Frequency / mln hours



Oil and Gas production CAN and MUST be green

Making the fields we operate greener is an integral part of our value proposition and core capability. To do so we not only comply with environmental regulations but we also put in place aggressive and focused action plans to increase energy efficiency, reduce GHG emissions, hydrocarbon spills, freshwater withdrawal intensity and the waste we generate.

The E3 performance (Environment & Energy Efficiency) is a strategic objective which ensures the long-term growth and success of our company. Therefore, we promote environmental awareness and we award performance.


Environment & Energy Efficiency

XP’s operations aim to maintain and continuously improve the environmental management system implemented and certified in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard and the energy management system, compliant with ISO 50001. The monitoring and reporting of the Environmental KPIs are standardized and done on regular reporting processes, allowing us to monitor and improve our environmental performance.

Management System


Energy intensity, %
GHG intensity, tCO2eq/toe



Our differences are a strength!

Diversity is good business as it generates creativity and innovation.

XP is committed to making sure that diversity and equal rights for all employees are respected. We are bound to foster the professional growth of women and minorities and monitor and report our progress in this matter on our annual sustainability report.

Human Rights

Back to basics

XP applies all suitable best practices in the human resources area, ensuring a safe, healthy and regulated work environment.

We offer the employees a comprehensive package of benefits as stipulated in the CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement). Moreover, we maintain a permanent social dialogue with the representative trade union and with individuals.

Our HR representatives have meetings and exchange experiences with similar oil and gas organizations, as well as with HR professionals from CIPD (Continuous Improvement Professional Development). Thus, they get continuous updates on common best practice and ensure relevant benchmarking.

The principle of equal opportunities and fair treatment is applied to all employees, and therefore no form of discrimination does exist, whether direct or indirect, based on sex, sexual orientation, genetic characteristics, age, membership nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, political option, social origin, handicap, situation or material responsibility, membership or trade union activity.

It is the responsibility of managers at all levels to have firm measures to ensure discipline within their sector, in compliance with the law and the employer’s decisions. No human rights violations, discrimination on any criteria, or sexual harassment have been reported so far, but we will continue to raise awareness and educate staff about these issues and their potential consequences in order to avoid such situations.


We are not alone!

XP makes investments in the local communities, ranging from employing local human resource to providing support for the local infrastructure. This is our way of thanking the community for the effort they put in being supportive and understanding what and why we do it.

Sustainability Reports

Improving and redeveloping mature oil gas field to make them more sustainable is our core business.

We are an efficiency-driven, and human-centred organization that rehabilitate mature oil and gas fields to make them safer, cleaner, more productive and more economical for a longer time.

Today 70% of the oil and gas production in the world is coming from fields that are mature and that have been developed with outdated technologies, oversized footprint and environmental standards not as stringent as the ones required today by all stakeholders.


Worldwide oil and gas production coming from mature fields.

Therefore, based on our rigorous and functional approach, as well as professional excellence, we aspire to be the leading partner of choice for these mature O&G fields resources owners. We will ensure their sustainability by using the latest fit for purpose technologies that were not available at the time. Moreover, we will optimize the production processes to adapt to the new production volumes and reduce the environmental footprint of their activities.

We not only aim to be at the forefront of sustainability best practices adoption but also to proactively innovate and raise the standards higher. Our ambitions are to promote continuous improvement of our sustainability performance, irrespective of our achievement so far as we do want to make a difference to ensure the oil and gas industry adapt to the stricter stakeholders requirements.

Download Sustainability Report 2023.

Download Sustainability Report 2022.

Download Sustainability Report 2021.

Download Sustainability Report 2020.

Download Sustainability Report 2019.

Download Sustainability Report 2018.

Download Sustainability Report 2017.